Meet Coach Rachael
Glance of the journey: The moment I took my first breath, the odds of survival were not in my favor. I was born three months ahead of schedule, and doctors claimed at 26 weeks that I would not survive and had a slim chance of having an everyday life… “Boy, were they wrong?!” My name is Rachael Louis, a 40-year-old African American born in Bronx, New York, raised in Jamaica, and transferred to South Florida in 1990. I am blessed to have been married for 14 years now to one of the most caring, kind-hearted individuals with a whole lot ...
Hello and Welcome to my 1st Blog Post
Welcome to the launch of my first blog post. My name is Rachael Louis, owner of H.O.P.E (Helping Outstanding Professional Excel) Career Coaching, and I am so excited to share this space with you. My mission is to help professional women advance their careers and obtain a balance so they can live a rewarding life. There are so many ideas, inspirations, knowledge and of course many laughable moments that will be shared, but first let’s start with Why I created this blog, What will you see in my posts, and My overall experience launching this company. Why did I start this blog? The ...
Earlina L., Owner of Highway Legacy Dispatching
"Coach Rachael has always been a breath of fresh air for me. She is my balance. When my days are rough or challenging, she will let me know it is ok to feel how I want for the moment and put me back into perspective. She taught me how to embrace gratitude and to be thankful for the little things. Often, we focus on the big picture and forget to celebrate the tiny paint strokes along the way. Racheal has helped me figure out my life position as a mother, a wife, a woman, a daughter with a mother who ...