A famous old adage states that in life, we are to play the hand that we are dealt. Early in my formative years, I learned the importance of giving the cards to God.
Though my faith was often tested, the shuffle of life showed me when there are also times to learn from the wisdom of those who have walked the path ahead of us.
My passion is to stack the deck in favor of those who have felt the odds of life against them, offering sage counsel to all who are willing to be transformed by walking with the wise.
I live intentionally to offer guidance to those seeking their next steps, through sound principles and understanding founded on thorough study and deep experiential knowledge.

Hey Ladies,

My working journey started when I was a teenager as I found myself out on my own at only 14 years old.  You might say that I put myself through high school and college but I see how God had a plan and He designed everything.

Managing both work and school full time, I completed my finance degree through Florida International University while working as a customer service representative.

Young and hungry for growth, I looked for opportunities to excel and take on additional responsibilities. 

In male dominated corporate culture, the leadership ladder did not reflect the kind of possibility I envisioned for the future, but I was determined to persevere and to initiate positive change for myself and all those who will follow after me.


With my skill set, I have seen what it is to have a position created out of thin air to fit my expertise from both my experience with people and my academic studies handling numbers.

Sadly, I also know what it is to be marginalized despite skills that excelled well beyond that of my peers, seeing people get the job that I deserved and was far more qualified for.

Frustration could have easily set in as I was told I would never be good enough for a job because people who are good with managing numbers, risk, and people are simply an anomaly.

“You can’t.”

Those words are almost deafening.  Almost.  But I didn’t let them have power over me.

After multiple applications, I was finally offered a job in sales management, which was almost pulled away from me yet again for the 5th time.  

Tenacious, I gave an ultimatum that if I did not see an offer within 30 days, I would leave the company, and I knew they needed my skills.  The offer came in 17.

I said, “Give me this opportunity.  If I fail, fire me!”  I knew what I had to offer and I would not give in.

The conditional offer was a dual role with single pay for 6 months as analyst and sales supervisor.  

The track record of success is history, despite not being favored by the people around me, the favor of God prevailed. 

This is my foundation.  I know it isn’t easy.  Maybe it isn’t meant to be.  But I know what is possible, and I have coached countless people towards success in sales and their careers and I love what I do.

My name is Rachael, and I am here to help you succeed.

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